What Is Equitable Distribution?
Speak with a Broward County Divorce Lawyer to Find Out!
When couples go through the process of divorce, they are required to divide the marital assets and debts between them. In the state of Florida, marital property is divided through the process of equitable distribution. If you are going through divorce, then the most ideal process for property division would be through mediation, by which you and your spouse come to agreements regarding who gets what and compromises are made regarding the contested assets. Generally, any premarital property is given immediately to the original owner, so long as the title or nature of the property has not changed.
To speak with an experienced Broward County equitable divorce attorney, contact us online or give us a call at (954) 406-2810 today.
It is important to attempt a peaceful discussion to divide the assets; as you may be able to obtain much better results through this process rather than having the courts decide distribution for you. If you own a house, one of you may want to sell the house, and one may wish to keep it. In a court proceeding, you could be left with undesirable circumstances one way or the other, whereas in mediation, you could reach a more detailed agreement that makes both parties happy. For example, you could accept more of the debt in exchange for your spouse's share of the house, including a buyout clause so that the other party will receive payment and you get to keep the house. This model can be applied to almost any marital property. Equitable distribution can be a complicated issue, speak with a Broward County divorce attorney from my firm today to discuss your case.
Division of Property in Divorce
It is important that you consider your options and that you get legal assistance on your side to work with you when reviewing the decisions in your case. I have the experience and skill that you need on your side. I have handled many cases in the past that involve difficult situations regarding property division and I can put this knowledge to work for you if you choose to work with me. With more than ten years of experience, I can provide you with the information, answers, and representation that you need during your divorce.
Contact a Broward County divorce attorney from Lindsay A. Feldman, P.A. today for skilled legal assistance.
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