Modifications of Court Orders
Broward County Family Law Attorney
The court recognizes that circumstances change over time. It is not uncommon for people to modify their court orders after a period of time has passed. If you are looking to modify a pre-existing court order, then you will need to prove to the court that you have experienced a substantial change in circumstances in order for a modification to be warranted. I understand that your children come first and that providing a stable environment and balanced routine for them is number one priority. I am also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator which could be of great benefit to your case.
Here at Lindsay A. Feldman, P.A. I can provide you with the legal counsel and the resources necessary to modify your child custody, child support, visitation or alimony court order. Each type of modification case is unique, which is why I offer personalized legal representation that is tailored to meet your specific needs. If you are looking to modify a court order, please do not hesitate to contact a Broward County family lawyer from my firm for help.
To speak with an experienced Broward County modification attorney, contact us online or give us a call at (954) 406-2810 today.
Types of Modifications
Child custody/Visitation modifications- This type of modification is usually the most difficult because the court does not typically favor changing custody agreements. They will make exceptions however, if the change in timesharing is in the best interests of the children. There are times when circumstances change and a custodial parent needs to relocate and the original custody agreement is no longer realistic. Other times, a parent may feel that their child is in danger for one reason or another, which is a reason enough for a custody modification. If you believe that the current child custody arrangement is not conducive to the child's routine or stability and you are concerned with their welfare, it is essential that you speak with a family law attorney from my firm about modifying the custody agreement. Your child's happiness and well-being is my top priority.
Child support modifications- The responsibility to provide for a child should be borne by both parents. The child's well-being and safety should always come first and with that in mind, child support plays an important role. When one or both parents experience a significant change in financial circumstances (income), then that could be considered grounds to modify the child support agreement. The whole purpose of child support payments is to guarantee that the child is comfortable and provided for in a stable environment. When a parent's income changes for better or worse, that could warrant a change in child support payments. Speak with a Broward County child support modification attorney at my firm today to find out if it would be fit to file a modification request for support.
Alimony modifications- Spousal support, or alimony, is a vital part of the divorce agreement that deals with financial support payments to a spouse in order for them to maintain the same standard of living that they were accustomed to during the marriage. The court is the one to determine what amount of support which one spouse must give to the other. When determining alimony, the financial situations of both spouses before and during the marriage are taken under consideration, along with several other factors. In the state of Florida, there are several different types of alimony including rehabilitative, transitional, and temporary. When circumstances change for the two parties, a change in the type of alimony might also be necessary. For example, if one spouse loses their job or experiences a severe increase or decrease in income, then that may be grounds for a modification of alimony.

Modification Attorney Serving Broward County & Miami-Dade
As you can see there are certain circumstances that warrant a court order modification in the court's eyes. In a case where children are involved, the court will always rule in favor of their best interests. If you believe that your situation calls for court order modification then I can be there to protect your rights and to present your case to the court. At Lindsay A. Feldman, P.A., I have been serving South Florida families for 20+ years with a multitude of family law matters.
My firm understands the many contentious issues that come along in a divorce case and I will be here to help you proactively resolve them. Whether you are looking to modify a court order for custody, visitation, child support or alimony, I can work with you to pursue these modifications that you currently comply with. Let me put my skills and experience to work for you! Contact a Broward County family law attorney from my firm for a free initial consultation today.
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